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What can you do to help you lose belly fat? While you may want to get rid of your big belly because you think it looks ugly, this isn’t the main reason youshould loseit. Your increasingbelly is caused by you accumulating fat in your abdomen. This is dangerous – especially when there is lots of fat in between your organs – visceral fat. It can lead to heart disease, diabetes and cancer.You may have tried using various diets and exercises to try and lose your belly fat – but failed each time. While youmay think that you lack will power, that may not be the cause. In many instances, it could be because of your hormones, your age orother genetic factors. It could also be due to mistakes you are making with your diet, exercise regimen of lifestyle.Understanding why you’re failing can help youlose your belly fat. Here are several possible reasons you may be struggling to get rid of your belly fat:What You Can Do to Help You Lose Belly FatEffect of Aging on Belly FatYou are gaining belly fat because you’re getting older. As you age, your metabolism slows down and you need less calories to function. You ...Read More...